Intro to HTML and CSS

Start your coding journey by learning the basics of HTML & CSS from one of BloomTech's top instructors.
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Write your awesome label here.
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What's included?

  •    1 Course Overview module
  •    7 HTML Modules
  •    7 CSS Modules
  •    1 Personal Website Project

Learn the basics

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Get your first taste of what it's like to build websites. We'll walk you through how HTML works and how to write it, and then you'll build a project to show off your skills.

Guided video lectures

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Our course authors have taught thousands of people how to code. Join our video lectures and start your own coding journey.

Meet the authors

Josh Knell

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Josh's passions meet between technology and teaching. He has held many roles from intern to CTO and feels the best developers are great mentors. His favorite title is Dad and enjoys quality time with his family.

Nick Basile

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Nick is based out of Houston, TX - where the sun is hot and the tacos are plentiful. He’s worked as a software engineer and product designer, and loves teaching everyone about these exciting fields.
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